The Game:
“Charged Up”
Our Robot:
ONT District Georgian Event
- Rank 10
ONT District McMaster University
- Rank 15
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship – TECHNOLOGY Division
- Team Spirit Award
- Finalist
The Game:
“Rapid React”
Our Robot:
The Game:
“Infinite Recharge At Home”
Using alliance droids, planetary citizens collect and score power cells while traversing the trench run and boundaries to ensure maximum protection with an operational shield generator! Who will save FIRST City?
Our Robot:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all events were held virtually.Vanadium Group – FIRST Innovation Challenge
- FIRST Innovation Challenge Semi-Finalist Award
Aluminium Group – INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge
- Rank 16
The Game:
“Infinite Recharge”
Using alliance droids, planetary citizens collect and score power cells while traversing the trench run and boundaries to ensure maximum protection with an operational shield generator! Who will save FIRST City?
Our Robot:
Unfortunately, due to issues with COVID-19, some events were postponed indefinitely including the Ontario Provincial Championships and the Detroit Championships.Georgian College Event
- Event Semi-Finalist
- Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
York University Event
The York University event was cancelled.The Game:
“Destination: Deep Space”
Two alliances of deep space travelers race to place hatch panels on their rockets and cargo ship, load valuable cargo for transport off the planet, and return to the safety of their habitat all before the next sandstorm sweeps through.
Our Robot:
ONT District York University Event
- District Chairman’s Award
- District Event Finalist
ONT District Western University, Western Engineering Event
- Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
- Semi-Finalist
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship – Technology Division
- Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox
- Quarter-Finalist
FIRST Championship Detroit – Curie Division
The Game:
“Power Up”
Two alliances of video game characters and human operators are trapped in an arcade game. To escape, alliances use power cubes to control switches and the scale, pass power cubes through the exchange for power ups, and ascend to face the boss.
Our Robot:
ONT District Georgian College Event
- District Event Winner
- Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation
ONT District York University Event
- District Chairman’s Award
- District Event Winner
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship – Technology Division
- Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi
FIRST Championship Detroit – Tesla Division
- Division Quarter-Finalist
The Game:
Two adventurer clubs – alliances of three teams each prepare for a long distance airship race by collecting fuel to build steam pressure, installing gears to engage rotors, and climbing aboard for lift off! The airship best prepared for flight when the launch timer reaches zero wins!
Our Robot:
ONT District – Durham College Event
- Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors
ONT District – McMaster University Event
- Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship
- FIRST Dean’s List Finalist Award (Celeste Nantel)
- Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation
The Game:
The alliance quest is to breach the opponent’s defenses known as the outer works, weaken their tower with boulders, and capture it.